MEMBERSHIP and FEESOur membership year now starts on 1st April and the fees currently are£15 per annum per person.RENEWALSWe are pleased to announce that we shall be taking BACS transfers for existing members only.The format is as follows for your bank transfer:-Account Name: U3A Bexley(Note: this is a business account)Sort Code: 09-01-55Account No: 26238607Your reference should be your surname followed by your U3A number(s)e.g. Smith9999If you renew your subscription by BACS you hereby allow Bexley U3A to use your data for all U3A purposes. If you wish to opt out, please email Luigi Lipparelli who will then remove you.Payment of £15 will indicate a single person. Payment of £30 will indicate to us that there are linked accounts which we will update on the database.Members paying this way will receive their new cards at the monthly meetings and these cards will be available from our February 2025 meeting.You are of course still welcome to use our other process which is to send your renewal form to the Membership Secretary enclosing a cheque made out to U3A Bexley, together with a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the return of the membership card.NEW APPLICANTS should go to the Information and How to Join page and complete the Application form there.INTEREST GROUPSMembership entitles you to join as many interest groups as you wish, subject to vacancies within each group. See the Groupspagefor the complete list.MEETINGSMonthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in Roberts Hall at Christ Church, Bexleyheath Broadway at 1.30pm for 2.00pm with a varied programme of activities and speakers. You may attend one of these meetings as a visitor free of charge to meet members. Meeting dates and speakers are shown on the Monthly Meetingspage.
MEMBERSHIP and FEESOur membership year now starts on 1st April and the fees currently are £15 per annum per person.RENEWALSWe are pleased to announce that we shall be taking BACS transfers for existing members only.The format is as follows for your bank transfer:-Account Name: U3A Bexley(Note: this is a business account)Sort Code: 09-01-55Account No: 26238607Your reference should be your surname followed by your U3A number(s) e.g. Smith9999If you renew your subscription by BACS you hereby allow Bexley U3A to use your data for all U3A purposes. If you wish to opt out, please email Luigi Lipparelli who will then remove you.Payment of £15 will indicate a single person. Payment of £30 will indicate to us that there are linked accounts which we will update on the database.Members paying this way will receive their new cards at the monthly meetings and these cards will be available from our February 2025 meeting.You are of course still welcome to use our other process which is to send your renewal form to the Membership Secretary enclosing a cheque made out to U3A Bexley, together with a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the return of the membership card.NEW APPLICANTS should go to the Information and How to Join page and complete the Application form there.INTEREST GROUPSMembership entitles you to join as many interest groups as you wish, subject to vacancies within each group. See the Groupspagefor the complete list.MEETINGSMonthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in Roberts Hall at Christ Church, Bexleyheath Broadway at 1.30pm for 2.00pm with a varied programme of activities and speakers. You may attend one of these meetings as a visitor free of charge to meet members. Meeting dates and speakers are shown on the Monthly Meetingspage.