Monthly meetings with a talk are usually held in Christ Church (Roberts Hall),
Bexleyheath Broadway, on the 2nd Thursday of each month at
1.30pm for 2.00pm.
The maximum number of people who can be accommodated at these meetings
is 150. There is limited parking space and members who do park must ensure that
they display a sign that states attendance at a u3a meeting in Roberts Hall.
Registered Charity Number 1044195
All content copyright © Bexley u3a and others
Christ Church
9 January
Richard Winston
A Wild Life Talk
To find out more, and buy photos, go to the Richard Winston page
13 February
John Halligan
Spitalfields through the ages
13 March
Lucy Lewis
Bomb Disposal, Light the Fuse
10 April
Chris Truran
First Forensics and the
Tottenham Outrage
8 May
Paul Beard
Insight into Dr Barnados History
and Work With Children
12 June
John Pearson
Blessed are the Cheesemakers
10 July
Gwen Jones
Pearly Queen of Greenwich