Registered Charity Number 1044195

All content copyright © Bexley u3a and others

Welcome to our u3a We are a group of retired or semi-retired people who take pleasure in being together and at the same time have a wish to further our learning. We regard ourselves as both learners and teachers. We make opportunities to meet others who share our interests, extend our knowledge and experience, and exercise our minds and bodies at our own pace - as much as we want to. In short, we take the opportunity to enjoy life. Executive Committee 2023 - 2024 Chair Wendy Scott Vice Chair Rosey Case Secretary Maureen Wright Treasurer Keith Scott Membership Douglas West Speakers Paul Morris Group Liaison Jenny Cosser Email & IT Keith Scott Social Secretary VACANCY Catering Vi King Database Keith Scott Meet & Greet Liz Salter Non-Committee Roles London Region Rep VACANCY Newsletter Editor Mary Jupp The Committee consists of members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting which is held in the Autumn each year. The Committee also has the power to co-opt additional members for specific purposes.

Five Arch Bridge

Bexley u3a
Welcome to Bexley

Registered Charity Number 1044195

All content copyright © Bexley u3a and others

Welcome to our u3a We are a group of retired or semi-retired people who take pleasure in being together and at the same time have a wish to further our learning. We regard ourselves as both learners and teachers. We make opportunities to meet others who share our interests, extend our knowledge and experience, and exercise our minds and bodies at our own pace - as much as we want to. In short, we take the opportunity to enjoy life. Executive Committee 2023 - 2024 Chair Wendy Scott Vice Chair Rosey Case Secretary Maureen Wright Treasurer Keith Scott Membership Douglas West Speakers Paul Morris Group Liaison Jenny Cosser Email & IT Keith Scott Social Secretary VACANCY Catering Vi King Database Keith Scott Meet & Greet Liz Salter Non-Committee Roles London Region Rep VACANCY Newsletter Editor Mary Jupp The Committee consists of members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting which is held in the Autumn each year. The Committee also has the power to co-opt additional members for specific purposes.
New branding is here
Bexley u3a